
慶祝澳門特區成立二十週年活動 ──“澳門在西方印刷術東傳中的角色” 展覽及講座




為慶祝澳門特區成立20周年,文化局公共圖書館管理廳於2019年5月18至6月 15日在議事亭藏書樓舉辦 “澳門在西方印刷術東傳中的角色”展覽,並在5月18日下午3時舉辦專題講座及展覽導賞。

中國木活字印刷術源於宋代,經絲綢之路輾轉傳至歐洲,由德國人古騰堡改造成“鉛活字壓印”,再由西方傳教士,經“地理大發現”的航海路線將活字印刷術傳入澳門。落戶澳門的土生葡人以及華人與當時居澳的英美法傳教士合力製做 “鉛漢活字”,將洋漢鉛活字印刷術進一步改良,使之在五口通商後,得以在華開花結果。這次展覽,旨在透過展出主題相關的數十種珍藏古籍及報刊,探討“澳門”在西方印刷術東傳過程中扮演的角色、成就和貢獻。



資料來源:《中國古代印刷史圖冊》(An illustrated history of printing in ancient China) p.124-125







Christiani Pueri Institutio

Mc/B698c (B0050101)BC

Christiani Pueri Institutio

Joanne Bonifacius, estudo previo por Manuel Cadafaz de Matos

Macau : Instituto Cultural, 1988 (1588)


RES/G626d(B0018 6260)BS


J. A. Gonçalves

Macao : Real Collegio de S. Jose, 1833


RES/G6261 (0009 2853)   BS


Joachimo Alphonso Gonsalves

Macai : Collegio Sancti Joseph, 1841


RES/T6981 (00092847)   BS


Shangae : Noronha, 1888


CH/L786c (00151472)   BS


Revd. W. Lobscheid

Hong Kong : Noronha, 1871

Revised tariff of dues and duties for use at the Lappa Customs Stations

CH/L3131r  (00151680)   BS

Revised tariff of dues and duties for use at the Lappa Customs Stations

Revised tariff of dues and duties for use at the Lappa Customs Stations


CH/Z821i (0014 9183)  BS


P. Angelo Zottoli

Changhai : A. H. de Carvalho, 1859

Chinese elementary book keeping

CH/C580c  (00153588)   BS

Chinese elementary book keeping

Clyde, F. L.

The Oriental Press, [18--?] 


CH/B774b 2a ed. / Vol. 1 (00149194)   BS


traduite et annotée par le Père Henri Boucher

Zi-Ka-Wei [Shanghai] : Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1893


CH/B448le (00149189)   BS


A. Mouillesaux de Bernières

Péking : Typographie du Pé-T’ang, 1886

Dictionnaire classique de la langue Chinoise

CH/C913di  (00151495 )   BS

Dictionnaire classique de la langue Chinoise

F.S. Couvreur S.J.

Ho Kien Fou : Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1904


CH/A911di  (00096579)   BS


Louis Aubazac

Hong Kong : Imprimerie de la Société des Missions Etrangères, 1909

A view of China

RES/M8591v  (00152707)   BS

A view of China

Robert Morrison

Macao : Printed at the Honorable the East India Co.'s Press by P.P. Thoms, 1817


RES/M8591e (0015 1475)   BS


Robert Morrison

Macao : Printed at the Honorable East India Company's Press, by P. P. Thoms, 1815-1822


LR/D293o (B0033 199)   BC


John Francis Davis

Macao : printed at The Honorable East India Company, 1834

Ad linguae sinicae notitiam

CH/ A 185  (00152080 )   BS

Ad linguae sinicae notitiam

Joseph de Prémare (馬若瑟)

Malaccae : Cura Academiae Anglo-Sinensis, 1831

Chinese and English Dictionary

CH/M440c vol 1 (0015 1465)   BS

Chinese and English Dictionary

Henry Medhurst

Batavia : Parapattan, 1842-1843

Chinese and English Dictionary

CH/M440c vol 2 (0015 1466 )   BS

Chinese and English Dictionary

Henry Medhurst

Batavia : Parapattan, 1842-1843

A medical vocabulary in English and Chinese

CH/L526c (00151574)   BS

The Chinese classics; with a translation, critical and exegetical notes, prolegomena, and copious indexes

James Legge

Hong Kong : J. Legge,  printed at the London Missionary Society Press Office, 1861-1865

The Chinese classics; with a translation, critical and exegetical notes, prolegomena, and copious indexes

CH/H598m  (00151480)   BS

A medical vocabulary in English and Chinese

Benj. Hobson M.B. Lond

Shanghai : Shanghai Mission Press, 1858


LR/W691e(B0039 826)   BC


S. Wells Williams

Macao : Printed at the Office of the Chinese Repository, 1844

The notitia linguae sinicae of Premare

CH/ A 185n eng.  (00153369 )   BS

The notitia linguae sinicae of Premare

translated into English by J.G. Bridgman

Canton : Printed at the Office of Chinese Repository, 1847

Chinese Chrestomathy in the Canton Dialect

LR/B862c (B0033231)   BC

Chinese Chrestomathy in the Canton Dialect

Elijah Coleman Bridgman

Macao : S. Wells Williams, 1841

An alphabetic dictionary of the Chinese language in the Foochow dialect

CH/M145a 2ex. (00152247)   BS

An alphabetic dictionary of the Chinese language in the Foochow dialect

Rev. R.S. Maclay and Rev. C.C. Baldwin

Foochow : Methodist Episcopal Mission, 1870


CH/V558 (00153607)   BS


Justus Doolittle

Foochow : Rozario, Marcal and company, 1879

The imperial history of China; being a history of the empire as compiled by the Chinese historians

CH/M127i  2a. ed.  (00153577 )   BS

The imperial history of China; being a history of the empire as compiled by the Chinese historians

Rev. J. MacGowan

Shanghai : Printed at the American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1906

Books on China and the far east. 1931-32

CH/B715-1931-32 (00346688)   BS

Books on China and the far east. 1931-32

Shanghai : The Commercial Press, 1931

English and chinese dictionary; with the punti and mandarin pronunciation

CH/L786e  vol 1 (00096567)   BS

English and chinese dictionary; with the punti and mandarin pronunciation

by the Rev. W. Lobscheid

Hong Kong : "Daily Press" Office, 1868

English and chinese dictionary; with the punti and mandarin pronunciation

CH/L786e  vol 2 ( 00096568)   BS

English and chinese dictionary; with the punti and mandarin pronunciation

by the Rev. W. Lobscheid

Hong Kong : "Daily Press" Office, 1868

The China review, or, Notes and queries on the Far East

CH/C4461 vol.1(00096007)  BS

The China review, or, Notes and queries on the Far East

Dennys, N. B.

Hong Kong : China Mail Office, 1872-1901

A Chinese dictionary in the Cantonese dialect

REF/E370c v.1  (00151469)   BS

A Chinese dictionary in the Cantonese dialect

John Ernest  Eitel

Hong Kong : Trubner. Lane, Crawford, 1877


CH/C4261aed. (00096587)   BS


John Chalmers

Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh, 1907

The Chinese drama

RES/J651c  (00152397)   BS

The Chinese drama

Sir Reginald Fleming Johnston

Shanghai : Kelly and Walsh, 1921

The treaty ports of China and Japan: a complete guide to the open ports of those countries together with Peking, Yedo, Hong Kong and Macao

LR/ M421tr  (B0033550)   BC

The treaty ports of China and Japan: a complete guide to the open ports of those countries together with Peking, Yedo, Hong Kong and Macao

William Frederick Mayers, N. B. Dennys and Charles King

Hong Kong : A. Shortrede and Co., 1867


CH/K980e  (00096395)   BS


Kwong Ki Chiu (鄺其照)

Shanghai [etc.] : Wah Cheung, 1887

A imprensa de tipos móveis em Macau e no Japão nos fins do século XVI

655 Mc/F936i (B0050439)   BC

A imprensa de tipos móveis em Macau e no Japão nos fins do século XVI

Jordão de Freitas

Coimbra : Imprensa da Universidade, 1916

A Abelha da China (7 Nov. 1822)

RES-4P-18/A2-D-1-0   BS

A Abelha da China (7 Nov. 1822)

António de S. Gonçalo de Amarante

Macao : Typografia do Governo, 1822 -1823

A Voz do Crente: semanario catholico (8 Jan 1887)

A2-E-4-1 (00093002)   BS

A Voz do Crente: semanario catholico (8 Jan 1887)

Antonio Borges

Macau : Seminario de Sao Jose, 1887-[1894]

O Macaista Imparcial e  Registo Mercantil(18 Jul 1838)

A2-D-2-0   BS

O Macaista Imparcial e Registo Mercantil(18 Jul 1838)

Felis Feliciano da Cruz

Macau : Tipografia Feliciano, 1836-1838

O Porvir : hebdomadario(24 Fev 1900)

A24-3-3(00093037)   BS

O Porvir : hebdomadario(24 Fev 1900)

Lisbelo de Jesus Xavier

Hong Kong : L. J. Xavier, 1897-1907

O Progresso [Shanghai] : hebdomadario(10 Nov 1888)

A24-1-1(00093062)   BS

O Progresso [Shanghai] : hebdomadario(10 Nov 1888)

Lisbelo de  Jesus Xavier

Shanghai : Guedes, 1888 -1889

Echo macaense : jornal politico, litterario e noticioso(26 Set 1893)

A24-2-1(00093014)   BS

Echo macaense : jornal politico, litterario e noticioso(26 Set 1893)

Francisco Hermenegildo Fernandes

Macau : [Typographia Mercantil de N. T. Fernandes e Filhos], 1893-1899


A24-2-1(00093013)   BS


澳門:[鏡海印務總局] 刊印 , 1893-1895

O Macaense (1 Maio 1882)

A2-E-3-1(00092952)   BS

O Macaense (1 Maio 1882)

Francisco Placé

Macau : Typografia do Macaense [鏡湖新報館] , 1882-1892; 1919 -1920

O Correio Macaense(13 Jan 1888)

A2-E-3-1(000933012)   BS

O Correio Macaense(13 Jan 1888)

Francisco Xavier Brandão

Macau : Typografia do Correio Macaense [澳門郵報館] , 1883-1889; 1890 -1891

O Independente (28 Maio 1874)

A2-D-2-2(00092986)   BS

O Independente (28 Maio 1874)

José da Silva

Macau : Typografia do Independente[直報館] ,  1873-1898

O Tio tareco : quinzenario infantil(1 Maio 1936)

P3-3-1T(00093047)   BS

O Tio tareco : quinzenario infantil(1 Maio 1936)

João Carlos da Costa de Sousa de Macedo Mesquitela

Macau : Asilo dos Orfãos, 1936 -1939

O Asilo dos Orfãos(Junho 1936)

140 /Mc   BC

O Asilo dos Orfãos(Junho 1936)

Santa Casa da Misericordia

Macau : [s.n.], 1936