
Apply/ Renew Library Card

Common Access account holders aged 12 or above can complete their first-time application by logging in to their account.

GOV.MO Login
File format for upload: *.jpg; *.png; *.jpeg; file less than 5MB
Note: applicants under the age of 12 need to provide guardian’s ID document
Reminder: Please enter your local 8-digit mobile number

Terms of use

  1. Readers who have applied for library cards of the Macao Public Library can borrow books in any of its branches (except Senado Library).
  2. Readers must borrow library materials in person.
  3. Readers are allowed to borrow a maximum of five library items, with a loan period of 15 days calculated from the date of borrowing. Loan items may be renewed once prior to the due date if there is no reservation in queue. Overdue charge is MOP1.00 per day for each loan item.
  4. Please check whether the borrowed library materials are intact when going through the loan procedures. If a defect is found, please declare it to the library staff. When returning library materials, compensation shall be made according to the provisions of the Public Library of the Cultural Affairs Bureau in case of loss or defect; Since the damaged items belong to the public property, they must be returned to the Public Library of the Cultural Affairs Bureau for reposition and reimbursement. If the item is overdue, an overdue fine shall be settled.
  5. Rare books, special collections, reference books and library materials undergoing categorising process will not be available for checkout.
  6. The library reserves the right to recall any checked-out materials if necessary.
  7. The Public Library of the Cultural Affairs Bureau shall use the SMS to provide relative information about library events.
  I agreed with the relevant terms