
Rare Books

Macao Public Library house a collection of approximately 40,000 rare books, including Chinese and Western texts published before 1950 which are located at the Sir Robert Ho Tung Library and the Senado Library. The ‘Chinese Ancient Books Chamber’ (a rare- collections building) at Sir Robert Ho Tung Library currently has some 20,000 Chinese rare books, of which 16 are precious rare books from the Jiaye Book Library Tower previously collected by renowned modern bibliophile Liu Chenggan. Among these 16 books, the Manuscript of Siku Quanshu’s Synopsis by Weng Fanggang is of intrinsic value. Moreover, the Senado Library houses a collection of approximately 20,000 foreign ancient texts, varying from the 16th to 20th Century historical documents of the Portuguese presence in the Far East to literature of Portugal’s policy in its overseas colonies.







Rare Book Recommendations

The jade mountain : a Chinese anthology being three hundred poems of the T'ang Dynasty (619 – 906) 《群玉山頭》
Issue 137
Title of Book / Newspaper / Magazine / Audiovisual Material:The jade mountain : a Chinese anthology being three hundred poems of the T'ang Dynasty (619 – 906) 《群玉山頭》
Author:Witter Bynner; Kiang, Kang Hu 江亢虎
Publishing House:New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1903
Shelving Location: Senado Library

賓納(Harold Witter Bynner, 1881 - 1968)是一位美國詩人、作家及學者,他以筆名 Emanuel Morgan 見稱 ,是Palms詩刊副編輯;為鼓勵年輕人作詩,他以個人名義成立Witter Bynner 詩歌獎。




賓納在序言中介紹其翻譯唐詩時的經過,同時為配合英語讀者的語言習慣將“Han ”翻譯成“China ” ,“Hun , barbarian”翻譯成“Tartar”等。同時將我們在名字上的排行數目刪去如張三、李四。從外國讀者的接受能力出發,採用自由詩形式,句長參差,富於變化,儘量保留原文的意象。江亢虎深諳唐詩在中國家喻戶曉、耳熟能詳的蒙學讀本地位;賓納也明確認為要把“古代詩人那種活生生的簡樸無華的風格傳達出來,西方人就可以學到更多的東西”,想讓更多的美國人予以借鑒。賓納譯本的目標是美國普通民眾,因此,其譯文用詞非常平易近人,通俗易懂。為此,這個譯本深受群眾喜愛,無論是哪個層次的讀者,只要掌握了英語常用的詞彙,都能讀懂其譯文。

這也能解釋為什麼後來英美出版的許多唐詩譯本中,譯者都會提及曾經參考過《群玉山頭》,眾多西方讀者正是通過這個選本認識和欣賞唐詩的精華部分。這個現象在中國大力推進中國文化 “走出去” 的國策背景下尤為值得重視。

Alfred A. Knopf (克諾夫)是美國紐約著名的一家出版社,由Sr. Alfred A. Knopf 和 Blanche Knopf 設立,二人經常出國旅行,以出版歐洲、亞洲和拉丁美洲文學作品為主。


" Harold Witter Bynner." Wikipedia.〈〉


胡筱穎。〈基於語料庫的《唐詩三百首》英譯本研究〉。《四川師範大學學報》第41卷 第3期(2014年5月),頁118-124。 〈〉

" Alfred A. Knopf ." Wikipedia. 〈