

Greetings! Your generous donation is very much appreciated. Regarding the books/magazines that you donate, the Public Libraries Management Department has imposed the following regulations. Please read through the details, fill in the form and submit it to the circulation desk. Thank you!


Regulations for Management of Books Donated to Macao Public Library

The Department of Public Library Management (hereinafter ‘the Department’) has stipulated the following regulations in order to manage donated books effectively:

I. The Department shall select books in accordance with the collection development policy of the library. The books donated shall not be accepted on the conditions as follows (except Macao documents and precious books):

  1. Expired content, or that of little academic or reference value (e.g.) obsolete books (published more than 10 years ago), study guideline, textbooks, event brochures, books for infants or toddlers, non-local yearbook, law books and exam preparation materials;
  2. Science and technology books that were published more than 5 years ago;
  3. Computer books that were published more than 3 years ago;
  4. Travel guides that were published more than 2 years ago;
  5. Pirated books or those that infringe copyright;
  6. Religious books that have a proselytizing nature;
  7. Books with indecent or violent content;
  8. Dilapidated books;
  9. Incomplete book collections;
  10. Books with missing attachments;
  11. Books with insecure binding, or with shedding or missing book pages;
  12. Smeared books;
  13. Three copies of the donated book have been collected in the library (except those with sizeable circulation);
  14. Other books that do not comply with collection development policy of the library.

II. For Macao documents, antique books or other precious texts published before 1990, the library shall dispatch personnel to select books at the venue where appropriate.

III. Any controversy in regard to the donated books shall be settled through discussion with relevant authorities.

IV. The library will send out a special letter of gratitude if the donated book(s) is/are accepted. Donating person’s name shall be specified on the material to be included in the library collection (Donating persons are welcomed to inform the library if they do not need the information to be specified). 

V. The Department shall undertake usual book donation procedures and impress each volume/book with a book stamp.

VI. The Department reserves the final right of exercise upon the donated books, including distribution to different libraries, donation, elimination or others. 

VII. The Department reserves the right to amend and update the regulations herein should they be inadequate.