Q: What is BookCrossing activity?

A: The BookCrossing activity of the Macao Public Library aims to encourage the public to put the books they no longer read to the designated stations for release so that the books can regain “freedom” and other booklovers have the chance to read them for free. The people who finish reading the books picked up from the BookCrossing stations can share the book with others by doing likewise.


Q: How to take part in the BookCrossing activity?

A: As long as the public put the books they no longer read into the collection box at the As long as the public put the books they no longer read into the collection box at the BookCrossing site, they are deemed to have participated in the activity and given up the right to the relevant items. For readers who want to read the books from BookCrossing can simply go to the BookCrossing stations to choose books with BookCrossing stickers, no procedure is needed. We recommend that each person take one book at a time. For detailed regulations of BookCrossing activity, please go to the official website of Macao Public Library. (


Q: Where do the books for BookCrossing come from? Where can we find the BookCrossing stations?

A: The books for BookCrossing mainly come from the books released by the citizens who are willing to participate in the activity. Upon the completion of basic selection and processing by the Library staff, the books will be placed at the BookCrossing stations set up in various public places. There are up to now nine BookCrossing stations in Macao, including the Macao Central Library, Sir Robert Ho Tung Library, Patane Library, Ilha Verde Library, Taipa Library under the Cultural Affairs Bureau; Adult Education Centre, Lago Integrated Activity Centre, Moral Education Centre and Centre for Psychological-Pedagogical Support and Special Education under the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ).