
Rare Books

Macao Public Library house a collection of approximately 40,000 rare books, including Chinese and Western texts published before 1950 which are located at the Sir Robert Ho Tung Library and the Senado Library. The ‘Chinese Ancient Books Chamber’ (a rare- collections building) at Sir Robert Ho Tung Library currently has some 20,000 Chinese rare books, of which 16 are precious rare books from the Jiaye Book Library Tower previously collected by renowned modern bibliophile Liu Chenggan. Among these 16 books, the Manuscript of Siku Quanshu’s Synopsis by Weng Fanggang is of intrinsic value. Moreover, the Senado Library houses a collection of approximately 20,000 foreign ancient texts, varying from the 16th to 20th Century historical documents of the Portuguese presence in the Far East to literature of Portugal’s policy in its overseas colonies.







Rare Book Recommendations

Issue 145
Title of Book / Newspaper / Magazine / Audiovisual Material:Kim
Author:Rudyard Kipling, illustraded by J. Lockwood Kipling
Publishing House:London : Macmillan, 1915
Shelving Location: Senado Library

庇山耶收藏吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling, 1865-1936)有關的小說作品有:《基姆》(Kim)和《叢林奇譚》(The jungle book)。這兩本小說都以兒童為主角:《叢林奇譚》的男童,秉持原始人類的特質在印度的原始森林中求存;《基姆》則是一名白人兒童,在被英國殖民的印度的東西文明衝突下掙扎求存。





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