
Rare Books

Macao Public Library house a collection of approximately 40,000 rare books, including Chinese and Western texts published before 1950 which are located at the Sir Robert Ho Tung Library and the Senado Library. The ‘Chinese Ancient Books Chamber’ (a rare- collections building) at Sir Robert Ho Tung Library currently has some 20,000 Chinese rare books, of which 16 are precious rare books from the Jiaye Book Library Tower previously collected by renowned modern bibliophile Liu Chenggan. Among these 16 books, the Manuscript of Siku Quanshu’s Synopsis by Weng Fanggang is of intrinsic value. Moreover, the Senado Library houses a collection of approximately 20,000 foreign ancient texts, varying from the 16th to 20th Century historical documents of the Portuguese presence in the Far East to literature of Portugal’s policy in its overseas colonies.







Rare Book Recommendations

Kung Iu So T'an : Lições progressivas para o estudo da lingua sinica fallada e escripta : vertidas em portuguez para uso dos alumnos da "Escola Central" de Macau = 公餘瑣談
Issue 119
Title of Book / Newspaper / Magazine / Audiovisual Material:Kung Iu So T'an : Lições progressivas para o estudo da lingua sinica fallada e escripta : vertidas em portuguez para uso dos alumnos da "Escola Central" de Macau = 公餘瑣談
Author:Bernieres, A. Mouillesaux, traduzido por Pedro Nolasco da Silva
Publishing House:Macau : Typographia Mercantil de N.T. Fernandes e Filhos, 1890
Shelving Location: Senado Library

Kung Iu So T'an : Lições progressivas para o estudo da lingua sinica fallada e escripta 是伯多祿(Pedro Nolasco da Silva)將任職於北京總稅務司公署A. Mouillesaux de Bernières的《公餘瑣談》(Leçons Progressives pour l’Étude du Chinois Parlé et Écrit)翻譯成葡語。這是伯多祿為深化澳門“初學義塾”(Escola Central)的土生葡童學習官話的一本課本。在前言裡,伯多祿寫道:最初本人計劃每周教授9至10小時漢語課程,這樣葡童就可以用兩年學習粵語、兩年學習官話。但鑒於分配課時有限,又不能影響學習其他主科,所以在每天只能學習一小時漢語課之下,他挑選了給葡童學習官話。他解釋:“大部份土生葡人都懂得說粵語,而官話又是一廣為中國大地所使用的語言,兩者擇其一,我選擇了官話。我挑選《公餘瑣談》,因為它編幅不大,內容包含很多常用的實用句子,這樣學生也買得起書本,同時也會有興趣學習”。

《公餘瑣談》是100 篇不同主題的中國人生活閒談對話,原來的版本是英、法兩種外語,全書共收藏了2,617 個生詞,書內的中文慣用詞彙均由北京總稅務司公署檢察員裕觀先生撰寫。書後還附有索引,每個漢字都按照拉丁字母先後次序排列,方便讀者查找相關漢字。原版的《公餘瑣談》A. Mouillesaux de Bernières 說道:“此書是向需要使用中文的人介紹一些中文慣用語。在尊重中文獨特性的前提下,為了增加內文的趣味性和實用性,我將之編排成對話,以加深讀者印象。整本書依照不同情境,每一課的內容都以對開的形式編排在一起,非常方便閱讀”。

伯多祿的《公餘瑣談》除了將100 篇對話練習翻譯成葡文外。他還在書的前面加入序言、北方韻目(Syllabario de Peking)、部首字表(Lista dos Generos)以及漢語文法概念(Breves Noções da Grammatica Chineza)。在序言的〈漢語基楚概念〉(Nocções prelimares)一節中,讀者可看到葡萄牙人對漢語的概念。他將漢字分為單字(木)和複合字(柱),複合字一邊由“字部”(木genero /radical / classifica)和“字母”(主differença / phonetica)組成,一共有214“字部”和1040“字母”。他以清音系樊騰鳳創修的《五方母音》為基礎,配合葡人的拼音系統,再增減原來12個韻母、20個聲母,讀者可以在“Syllabario de Peking”表內看到,所註發音是以北京官話為準。 “Lista dos generos”則按部首畫數,為各部首註音,可視為“漢字部首讀音表”。