
Rare Books

Macao Public Library house a collection of approximately 40,000 rare books, including Chinese and Western texts published before 1950 which are located at the Sir Robert Ho Tung Library and the Senado Library. The ‘Chinese Ancient Books Chamber’ (a rare- collections building) at Sir Robert Ho Tung Library currently has some 20,000 Chinese rare books, of which 16 are precious rare books from the Jiaye Book Library Tower previously collected by renowned modern bibliophile Liu Chenggan. Among these 16 books, the Manuscript of Siku Quanshu’s Synopsis by Weng Fanggang is of intrinsic value. Moreover, the Senado Library houses a collection of approximately 20,000 foreign ancient texts, varying from the 16th to 20th Century historical documents of the Portuguese presence in the Far East to literature of Portugal’s policy in its overseas colonies.







Rare Book Recommendations

Primazia Momarquica do Pay Commum dos Monges N. P. S. Bento: Offerecida a N. R. P. Fr. Vicente Rangel Segunda Vez Reeleito com Acclamação Commua da Congregação
Issue 104
Title of Book / Newspaper / Magazine / Audiovisual Material:Primazia Momarquica do Pay Commum dos Monges N. P. S. Bento: Offerecida a N. R. P. Fr. Vicente Rangel Segunda Vez Reeleito com Acclamação Commua da Congregação
Author:R. P. Fr. Bern. de Braga ( Padre Frey Bernado de Braga, 1604-1662)
Publishing House:Em Ruam: por Juam Berthelin, Livreiro-1662
Shelving Location: Senado Library

Primazia Momarquica do Pay Commum dos Monges N. P. S. Bento為本館最舊的一本葡文古籍。作者R. P. Fr. Bern. de Braga ( Padre Frey Bernado de Braga),又名Frei Bernardo da Purificação ,1604年出生於葡萄牙北部最古老的天主教區布拉加 (Braga),1662卒於巴西東北部的巴伊亞州 (Bahia) 。他是聖本篤公教教士,1653年起任巴西聖蒂爾蘇修道院 (Santo Tirso) 老師,主要講授道理。Bernado de Braga 共有6本著作,大部份都是他在巴西傳道說教時的所撰寫的道理書。

本書為慶祝聖本篤公教成立而出版,主要講述該會建立和第一會長聖本篤 (Saint Benedict of Nursia,480-547)所提倡的信仰。公元529年,聖本篤在卡西諾山(Monte Cassino)上感化當時信奉異教的民眾,在其創建的修道院中建立了本篤會規 (Ordo Sancti Benedicti),主張以虔誠追求靈修的生活及兼顧人性的軟弱; 會規十分嚴厲,修道生活着重敬拜、工作與研讀。聖本篤奠定了西方隱修生活的模式,因此被尊為「西方隱修之祖」。1964年10月24日,教宗保祿六世宣佈本篤為歐洲的主保聖人。



聖本篤堂. 2016.11.22 下載自〈〉